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Toms’ High 5: answers from an anchoring engineer


anchoring engineer

What 5 assets do you consider essential to do your job?

    • Patience (both internally and externally)
    • Adaptability
    • Attentive
    • Curiosity
    • Stay current

What has your (pro/life) experience taught you in the past 5 years?

Projects are always challenging but if are motivated and ready to work for them, then the whole world will come to you with solutions for the success of your project

Why did you choose to work at Ciel & Terre? Share 5 good reasons?

      • Young and vibrant team with the same goal
      • Good work-life balance
      • The freedom of autonomous
      • The trust of the management and your responsible
      • Opportunity to work with the pioneers in the market

A “5-minute thing” which is very important in your job?

The very first 5 minutes after opening my laptop, to see the important meetings and priority topics of the day and plan my day.

And finally, what are your favorite 5 minutes in a working day?

Dejeuner: doesn’t need any more explanation. 🙂

Par LAURA, marketing

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De l’équipe R&D à la direction de Ciel & Terre USA, découvrez le parcours de Bertrand Colin

De l’équipe R&D à la direction de Ciel & Terre USA, découvrez le parcours de Bertrand Colin


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