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Being a R&D anchoring engineer with Lise


Lise R&D anchoring engineer for floating solar

Discover the long career of Lise, R&D anchoring engineer at Ciel & Terre. From the very begining of the company history with designing solar rooftop projects, to starting the floating solar adventure, Lise’s work journey within the company is very inspiring !

Lise Journey at Ciel & Terre: from rooftop solar to R&D Anchoring Engineer

What made you want to join Ciel & Terre? When did you join?

I’ve been in Ciel & Terre for 12 years now. At that time, I applied for a job of rooftop solar plant designer. I started the interview with Alexis Gaveau who was the technical director of Ciel & Terre. He figured out that I didn’t have all the technical experience required for this very job. Indeed, I was coming from 3 years of environmental studies for wind farms and ground-mounted solar plants. He made me continue the interview with Bernard Prouvost though, who was actually looking for someone to make the environmental studies and planning permissions for the -at that time- brand new concept of floating PV plant in Piolenc. So it was a fortunate coincidence for me as I was totally fitting this job requirement, and I can say I’ve been the first employee of Ciel & Terre hired only for floating PV. Then Ciel & Terre story made me increase skills and move to general design of floating PV, then anchoring design, then R&D on anchoring design…

About your role as R&D anchoring engineer, can you tell why it is essential for the success of floating solar projects?

Nowadays, I am R&D engineer in Anchoring product development team in R&D service.

It also includes support to the anchoring designers in PMO teams in all Ciel & Terre affiliates for their anchoring design. It means giving them guidelines and tools, train them, and make the designs when either it is a high challenging design (technically speaking) or when they need additional resources to make it.

Recently, my colleague Camille trained a bunch of new anchoring designers to make full anchoring designs to give us more time for true R&D work.

Anchoring product development team was also recently trained to advanced hydrodynamic loads consideration, which is a crucial topic for floating PV plants reliability. So we are further improving our anchoring design process and our knowledge of the product in regards with this topic. A pure R&D work.

What is/are the main challenge(s) in your everyday job?

Time. I would like to have a time turner like Hermione Granger.

Evolution and Achievements: Lise R&D Anchoring Engineer’s Journey and Lessons Learned at Ciel & Terre

How have you evolved within the company since your arrival?

Like a pokemon 😂

My background is process engineering, my first job experience was environmental studies and planning permission for wind farms (fauna/flora, landscape, acoustic, …) and now ~15 years later I’m hydro/anchoring R&D engineer on floating PV… What will be the next level???

Lise R&D anchoring engineer for floating solar

What do you consider your biggest achievement since you joined the company?

My own evolution!

Honestly if 15 years ago you would have come from the future and told me I was going to do that job I would have never believed you, because it was so far from what I knew at that time. Thanks to the confidence of C&T about my abilities I have learned so many things, and it led me to challenge and revive my original general engineering background. The story could have been so different…

Interested in joining the Ciel & Terre teams? Apply here.

What has your professional experience in Ciel & Terre taught you?

  • That anything is possible with self-confidence and patience.
  • How much C&T can be resilient in difficult situations like Yamakura accident so that in the end we’ve been stronger than before. Not everyone nor every company structure could have resisted such a tsunami.
  • How to put things into perspective, in challenging situations or following company reorganisation
  • That communication between people and services is soooo important.
  • That I’m grateful everyday to work with happy and honest people wo do their job with confidence and efficiency, and who are confident with my capacities.

What do you like most in your job as anchoring R&D engineer?

The people I’m working with.

I know how it can be in other companies with less empathy, less freedom, bad daily management, unachievable objectives, bad carrier management, reluctant people.



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