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[CSR] Reduce, Reuse, Recycle your waste: tips from our teams


At Ciel & Terre we share tips to reduce waste because we are concerned about our environment. We have in our DNA and at heart to be responsible for our actions to protect our future. Because the subject is major and universal, we asked the Ciel & Terreans to share their daily tips to reduce, reuse, recycle their wastes! At home and at work, there are countless possibilities to reduce our garbage production.

World Clean Up

Rebecca’s tips to reduce her impact on the environment:

“I have a compost and I recycle so I only throw packaging away. Also, I bring my own bags in grocery stores and only buy fresh food to limit packaging. Before buying new furniture, I try to fix things before throwing away. I changed the battery of my phone for example. Last but not least, I buy used things to my neighbors as much as I can to avoid packaging for shipment.”

To reduce his waste, Yogesh says “no” to unnecessary things:

“First of all, it is important to say “no”. For instance, I say “no” to decoration that uses plastic and not reusable items i.e. balloons, birthday poppers. Also, keep a cotton carry bag handy, keep one in your car, and keep one in your backpack always for your shopping. Finally, replace the plastic water bottles with metal water bottle.”

Advice to reduce waste
Tips to reduce garbage

With Alexis, let’s see how to reduce plastic waste and save water:

“First, one of my habits to reduce waste is not to use plastic water bottle and drink tap water instead. In the case I buy a juice bottle for instance, I keep it to put water for other days. Also another one quite easy, refuse plastic bags and tickets. Water is a precious resource and we must be cautious not to waste it. Nothing is easier than taking shorter showers or reducing the number of dishes and clothes washings.”

Buy differently with Estelle’s tips to reduce waste:

“Personally, in order to reduce my waste and my carbon footprint, I go into organic stores near my home to buy more products in bulk. I now have bulk products at home like shower gel, dishwashing liquid, vinegar, detergent, toothpaste, etc”.

reducing waste at Ciel & Terre
reuse things

Reuse is key! Let’s go for DIY workshop with Audrey:

“Actually, there are a lot of easy possibilities to reuse our things! For instance, if you have old fabrics such as socks, tights, leggings with holes in them, you can turn them into a sponge (tawashi). Also, keep your glass jars (of jam, compotes, ratatouille…) to store food bought in bulk or decorate your tins to make pencil jars, hanging pots for herbs, vases, etc. Moreover, you can use a bar of body soap instead of shower gel. It is important to notice that shower gel and shampoo are 95% water, so plastic bottles are used to store water!”

Reuse paper with Marion’s tips:

“This one is very easy! Indeed, I turn various cardboard into post-it. My grandfather does the cutting and I use that at home or at work.”

Reuse waste at Ciel & Terre
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