The aim of our R&D lab is to test our floating solar products and solutions in all their dimensions and functions, so that we are sure that the solar plant will be efficient, safe, and profitable for at least 25 years. Thanks to this facility, we can accelerate...
Daphnee Bouquet, a diversified career in Ciel & Terre
The very start the of career of Daphnee Bouquet : from educational background to her start at Ciel & Terre The professional journey of Daphnee Bouquet started with strong academic foundation in Engineering Chemistry, followed by a diversifed career at Ciel &...
Bow and Arrow, the anchoring system bringing more elasticity in the mooring lines
At Ciel & Terre, we use our field experience to improve the FPV solutions we design and offer. The “Bow and Arrow” system that we present in this article is certainly the perfect example of how we use our field experience to improve our products. To develop and...
14.5 MWp more of floating solar projects in France by Ciel & Terre
Ciel & Terre totalized the equivalent of 14.5MWp of floating solar projects build in France in 2022. The french company has completed the construction of its latest projects in the south of France. The Montpezat floating solar project added 3.5MW more to the...
Being a R&D anchoring engineer with Lise
Discover the long career of Lise, R&D anchoring engineer at Ciel & Terre. From the very begining of the company history with designing solar rooftop projects, to starting the floating solar adventure, Lise's work journey within the company is very inspiring !...
Manon, apprentice in Marketing and Communication at Ciel & Terre
I’m currently doing a Master’s degree in Marketing, Communication and Culture at IAE Lille. In parallel to my studies, I am a communication and marketing assistant at Ciel & Terre in apprenticeship.
Salzwedel FPV plant in Germany is growing.
In 2022, the Solar WO Engineering decided to extend Salzwedel FPV plant to reach a total capacity of 2.5MWp, making it the second biggest FPV plant in Germany ever built in the country. In this article, we will present how this extension has been managed and we will...
Toms’ High 5: answers from an anchoring engineer
Success is the result of loving and fighting for what you think is worth it.
[CSR] Reduce, Reuse, Recycle your waste: tips from our teams
At Ciel & Terre we share tips to reduce waste because we are concerned about our environment. We have in our DNA and at heart to be responsible for our actions to protect our future. Because the subject is major and universal, we asked the Ciel & Terreans to...
The history of Ciel & Terre Japan, where floating solar begins
Ciel & Terre Japan is the first subsidiary of the French floating solar pioneer Ciel & Terre International. Discover more about its history, its evolution and its present thanks to the contribution of the people who has made it what is now. The very begining...